
Teach how make all equipment work together

Views : 577
Update time : 2018-07-15 12:26:01

Whether you’re a new pool owner or a pool connoisseur looking for refresher content, here is a quick, easy-to-understand tutorial on how pool equipment works.

Also consider calling your local Pool Professional.  Many Pros offer new pool owner guides or training.  Check out our Dealer/Servicer Locator to find a Pro in your area.

How Things Work
All basic swimming pool systems work the same. During normal operation, water is drawn from the pool using suction created by the pool pump.  The water is drawn into the pump from the main drain and skimmers.  The pool pump generates pressure, circulating water through the pool filter, heater, chlorinators or other pieces of equipment, and returned back to the pool.

Properly filtering and sanitizing your pool’s water will keep it healthy and free of debris, bacteria and algae.

Pool Equipment                                   

Pool PumpCirculates the water throughout pool system

Pool FilterFilters the water and helps to keep it crystal clear

Salt ChlorinatorConverts ordinary salt into chlorine automatically

Chemical Feeder: Feeds Trichlor, Bromine and other sanitizing chemicals into pool water

HeaterGas or electric heaters regulate & maintain desired water temperature

Heat Pump: Uses heat from surrounding air to regulate & maintain desired water temperature

Automation: Automates equipment and features to turn on and off

Automatic Pool CleanerVacuums and some scrub pool floors and walls automatically

Valve: Diverts water on suction or return side of pool system

Drain: Suction point on bottom or side of pool supplying water to the pump

Skimmer: Suction point on pool surface supplying water to the pump

Return: Point at which circulated water returns back into the pool

Check back again for more detailed articles on how your pool equipment works.