
How to clean the green water in the swimming pool

Views : 2776
Update time : 2020-06-08 10:54:00

Part 1
Ready to work

1. Check the pool water. To assess the severity of the problem, you need to use a chemical test kit to test the chlorine content and pH of the pool water. When the chlorinated water in the pond water is less than one part per million, the algae will begin to multiply, causing the pond water to turn green. At this time, you have to use "swimming pool clarifier" to kill algae and restore the chlorine content of the pool water to normal levels.

In order to prevent the over-proliferation of algae, the swimming pool maintenance procedures must first be regulated. Routine swimming pool maintenance procedures should include ensuring continuous operation of the filter; and controlling the chlorine content and pH of the swimming pool to normal levels.
Algae will continue to grow and multiply, so once the swimming pool is not maintained for a few days, the algae will overproliferate, causing the pool water to turn green.

2. Bring the pool water to chemical equilibrium. Before cleaning the swimming pool, you must maintain the pH of the pool water at a level of about 7.8. You may need to increase or decrease the pH of the existing pool water accordingly. Although the pH of 7.8 is higher than the normal swimming pool standard, it is necessary for the next algae cleaning operation. The method of adjusting pH is as follows:

Run the water pump to allow these chemicals to spread throughout the swimming pool as quickly as possible.

To increase the pH of the pool water, add an appropriate amount of sodium carbonate to the pool water; to reduce the pH of the pool water, add an appropriate amount of sodium bisulfate to the pool water.

3. Make sure the filter is working properly. Remove any objects that may clog the filter, such as leaves, sticks, or debris. Before adding chemicals to the pond water to remove algae, it may be necessary to backwash the filter to ensure that it operates properly. Let the filter continue to operate 24 hours a day to completely filter out all the algae during the cleaning of the swimming pool.

4. Brush the four walls and bottom of the pool. Before adding chemicals to the pool water to remove algae, scrub the pool. Algae are attached to the walls and bottom of the pool, and they can only be scraped off by scrubbing. In addition, scrubbing breaks up the algae, making it easier for chemicals to remove them.

You can see that algae always likes to clump together. Therefore, you must use the pool brush to break up the algae as much as possible, so that the pool can be thoroughly cleaned.

If the swimming pool material is vinyl, you have to use nylon swimming pool brush to scrub the swimming pool. Metal brushes may damage swimming pools made of vinyl, and can only be used to clean swimming pools made of gypsum.

Part 2
Purified swimming pool

1. Use pool clarifier to clean the pool. Swimming pool clarifier contains high concentration of chlorine, which can disinfect the swimming pool while removing algae. In order to completely remove stubborn algae and bacteria, you need to use a highly effective pool clarifier with a chlorine content of 70%, and add the appropriate amount of clarifier according to the instructions on the clarifier package.

If there is a lot of algae in the pool, you have to remove it multiple times to make sure that the algae will not resurrect.
When the clarifier is added to the pool water, the pool water will become dirty. It doesn't matter, after running the filter for a while, the pool water becomes clean.

2. When the chlorine content of the pool water is less than 5 units, add algaecide to the pool water. Wait for the algaecide to work for at least 24 hours before starting the next step.

3. Clean up dead algae accumulated in the filter in time to avoid increasing the burden on the filter. Once the algae die, they will sink to the bottom of the pool or float to the surface of the water, and the color will no longer be green.

Part 3
Finishing work

1. Absorb dead algae left in the swimming pool. Use the pool brush to scrub the four walls and bottom of the pool again, and then use the pool suction machine to remove any dead algae left in the pool. If there are a lot of dead algae residues that are difficult to remove, you must add some flocculant to make the dead algae residues stick together, and then use the pool suction machine to suck it out.

2. Run the filter until the algae is completely removed. After the algae are completely removed, the pool water becomes crystal clear and transparent. If the algae makes a comeback, treat the swimming pool as described above until the algae are completely removed.

3. Use the chemical test kit to test the chemical content of the pool water again. All the index values ​​should be within the normal range.


Use a swimming net to remove leaves and other floating objects every day. Once they sink to the bottom of the pool, it is much more difficult to clean up.

When using chemicals, you have to wear old clothes. Because liquid chlorine will splash or drip onto clothing, it will cause the clothing to fade.

You can take some pool water samples every month to the local store that sells the pool, and let the clerk use a professional computer to do a monthly assessment to find the water quality problems of the pool in time.

The chlorine content of the swimming pool is kept within the range of one part per million to three parts per million, which can effectively prevent the overproduction of algae.


Unless you know exactly how to do it, do not add chemicals to the pool water at will. Once the wrong chemical is used, it will make the situation worse.

Extra care should be taken when exposed to high chlorine, as chlorine may cause sore throat, coughing, or irritation to the skin, eyes, and lungs.

Be very careful when adding chemicals to the pool water. It is worth noting that only chemical preparations can be added to water, but not water.

Don't mix chemicals together.